A Fresh Start Or A Better Continuation?

First off, Happy New Year!❤️

It’s a new year, a new month, a new day! Most of us have so many goals we want to achieve and we’ve already started making out plans on how to smash these goals.

To most people, New year’s day is seen as a chance to start things right. There’s so much enthusiasm and determination for resolutions.

“This year I’m going to diet, stop smoking, sleep earlier, stay focused, laugh every day, watch less tv, etc”

But, the excitement we usually use to start the new year and make resolutions wouldn’t last us throughout the year and that’s a fact. No matter how well you start, there are always bumps on the road.

Starting something you’re not used to out of the blues or suddenly changing your routine for a fresh start isn’t going to be easy.

Before you start listing out your resolutions, ask yourself: “Is everything I’m planning realistic?” “If I fall short, is there any plan to help me keep going? ” Am I doing this for my growth or just following tradition?”

Ps:- If you’ve already listed out your resolutions, that’s okay. The questions still apply to you.

And if you don’t have any resolutions, that’s fine. Don’t pressure yourself because everyone is doing it. Continue living and try working towards a better life daily.

To those with resolutions, what happens on the days you feel off and don’t have the energy to do anything on your list? Do you give up and decide to wait till next year to start afresh cause you’re now lagging behind on your resolutions?

No, you shouldn’t. You can make a change whenever you choose to. Let go of the mindset that lets you believe real change only starts on New Year’s Day.

How do you get back on track after bad days?

1. Remember what inspired the change you’re working towards. Is your inspiration built on self-improvement or external approval?

If your plan isn’t built on the right purpose, you need to reevaluate.

2. Realize that to get to the top, small steps are needed. You don’t have to start big.


3. Tell your close friends about your plans so when you off track, they can motivate you to keep going.

If recording a podcast is part of your resolutions but you don’t know how to go about it, that’s okay. You can record yourself on your phone and play it later. Listen to it and probably give your close friend to know if it’s fit to be uploaded.

You can’t do everything alone.

4. Record all the successful baby steps you’ve taken in a journal. Reflect on them whenever you lose focus and motivate yourself to keep going.

5. Rest.

Don’t beat yourself up whenever your plan doesn’t work out, or you get unmotivated. It’s okay to have bad days and struggle. Take a break for as long as you need but, don’t use that as an excuse to give up.

You can repeat affirmations every day to ignite your confidence and motivation.

After affirmations, go back to number 1 and get back on track.

There isn’t a perfect time for change. It shouldn’t just be on New Year’s Day you can start afresh. New Year gets you motivated but, every day is a chance to make things right.

Make sure they’re realistic goals. Take baby steps. Leave your comfort zone. Don’t pressure yourself. Rest. Repeat.


Cheers to a new year filled with growth and less self-judgment🥂

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