Stop Body Shaming.

I’m a short teenage girl and I’m tired of people saying stupid things to me just ’cause I’m short.

What’s body shaming?

Well, body shaming is the act of suggesting that someone’s body isn’t good enough and that they shouldn’t be satisfied with it. I’d like everyone reading this to know that body shaming is a rude and disrespectful behavior. A person’s body is their own. It’s none of your business if they’re fat, short, thin, not muscular or curvy enough. You’re neither assisting nor improving the lives of anyone by commenting negatively about their body everytime.

Judging has become an automatic response that people tend to do without prior thoughts. Some people try to find humor in degrading other people’s body and that’s totally rude, annoying and undesirable. Now, the problem is not just limited to judging others but judging ourselves. Thinking about the parts of your body you could change or comparing them to the ‘perfect body’ the media has successfully created.

What To Understand About Body Shaming.

*It’s not a gender exclusive issue. Men also get shamed for not being muscular enough or for being too skinny or being too short. Abusing men who are shorter than 5’3 or talking negatively about their weight because ‘men don’t have emotions’ is inhumane. It’s not just women who get judged on the basis of physical attributes.

*Reverse body shaming is unacceptable. Abusing thin people cause you’re fat is rude. Wanting to feel good about your body doesn’t give you access to unnecessarily bring other people down in the process.

*Don’t try to tell people what they should be attracted to. Most people on the gram are like ‘real men like curves’. I’m sorry to disappoint you but men, real or not, like whatever they want and no one should dictate how anyone should live their lives or make their decisions. Everyone is allowed to have their preferences and their definition of an ideal body.

*There’s a huge difference between body shaming someone and advising them about their health issues. Telling someone to eat more because they’re being unhealthy is good but telling someone to eat more cause they need curves is terrible.

I agree that being dangerously fat is unhealthy. It’s wrong to convince people otherwise. Being obese is unhealthy. Encouraging obesity is not good. It’s the cause of a few chronic diseases. If you’ve tried to get rid of your extra fat but aren’t able to, fine.

Just because someone is dangerously fat doesn’t give you the right to humiliate them. You don’t know what’s going on in people’s lives. Countless people are fat cause they have shitty lives and eating is a form of escape for them. Body shaming doesn’t help them. It makes things worse.

Bodies vary widely in appearance which is good. The world is too big to have one sort of view to show beauty. It’s time to break the mold if we want to stop body shaming in all forms. Motivate, encourage and support the differences. If each one of us start to accept our own body structures, no one can make us feel bad about it.

We often blame the society for what’s happening around us but we shouldn’t forget the fact that we form the society. The first step to fight body shaming is to accept ourselves and create awareness for others. Embrace who you are!

To everyone who has body shamed me and is reading this, your idea of my body is not my business so keep it to yourself.

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