Kindness Is Free. Sprinkle It Everywhere!

What would happen if you could just say thank you to that uber driver? What would happen if you could just compliment someone? What would happen if you could just smile at strangers? What would happen if you could just give a little more to someone that needs it? What would happen if you could just stop criticizing? What would happen if you could just perform random acts of kindness?

What is kindness?

According to me, kindness means treating everyone in the way you’d like to be treated. It doesn’t matter who the person is, how they look or how they act. You don’t need a reason to be kind to people. Kindness is also getting past judgement. Everyone judges. It’s natural but not acting upon your judgement of someone and getting to know who they really are is kindness.

Sprinkling drops of kindness to everyone is one of the best ways to sustain humanity. It actually takes strength to be kind in a world full of cold hearted people where it almost seems like a trend to be cruel and malignant. A lot of people have become jaded or cynical after a loss or betrayal and instead of breaking this negative cycle, some people tend to take out their frustration and bad experiences on other naive people.

Expressing kindness also requires confidence and self respect in order for you not to get walked over by other people. While being kind to others is important, being kind yourself is also important. Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

I want everyone to understand that sometimes, kind people have their ‘off’ days. There’s no personality trait that is 100% consistent but that doesn’t make them any less kind. We all have our good and bad days.

How can you be 5% kinder today?

  • Do something special that you know someone would appreciate.
  • Always say “Thank you” when someone gets something done for you.
  • Stop being rude to people in ‘lower levels’ than you.
  • Leave your waiter a generous tip.
  • Learn to smile and compliment other people.
  • Volunteer to help the needy.
  • Donate freely.
  • Sometimes, we shy away from people when we know they’re having a rough time. We assume we should wait for them to approach us so it doesn’t seem like we’re intruding but sometimes, people get relieved when they have someone to talk to. If you don’t ask, they might never mention anything to you and keep on hurting inside. They might not want to burden you with their problems.

  • Listen and don’t jump into conclusions while having a conversation.
  • Spend more time with your family.
  • Share encouragement online.
  • Give up your seat for someone on the bus.
  • Reconnect with old friends.
  • Take a day not to complain and be grateful.
  • Be kind to yourself!
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